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Text File | 1995-03-12 | 10.9 KB | 271 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- TheNews V2.38 README file
- So, you're checking out TheNews! Well, I'm sure you're
- anxious to try it out, but there a few points you'll need to
- know before you can get started. First, I need to get the
- following legalize out of the way:
- ***************************************************
- ***************************************************
- L E G A L A G R E E M E N T
- This software is protected by the copyright laws of the United
- States and by international treaty provisions. It has been
- released as "shareware" -- the author grants the right to use and
- copy the software on a trial basis not to exceed 30 calendar days.
- After such time, the right to use is revoked unless payment has
- been made to the author.
- The author hereby extends permission for reproduction of this
- documentation by whatever means are at the disposal of the user.
- Electronic modification of this document is permitted if the
- author's copyright notice is maintained.
- This statement represents the full and final expression of all
- terms of the agreement.
- * * *
- L I M I T E D W A R R A N T Y
- The author makes no warranty, express or implied, regarding
- TheNews, its documentation, its performance, its merchantability,
- or its fitness for any particular purpose. The author exclusively
- limits all consequential and incidental damages to replacement
- of the program or refund of the purchase price. Because some
- states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liabilty for
- consequential or incidental damages, this limitation may not
- apply to you.
- This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may
- have others, which vary from state to state.
- **************************************************
- **************************************************
- Okay, enough said, let's get to the important stuff! The
- system requirements:
- 1. A Macintosh (no kidding!). As far as I can tell, there
- are no restrictions on what kind of Mac you can use with
- TheNews -- I've tested the program on a number of 68K-based
- machines and am told that it will run on the PowerPC-based
- Macs (albeit in emulation-mode).
- 2. MacTCP. This is the system software that lets your Mac
- talk TCP/IP. You can get this software from Apple.
- 3. A Network. You have several options here. You can use
- an Ethernet card installed inside your computer, you can use
- an external SCSI Ethernet device, or you can use a
- LocalTalk<->Ethernet bridge (for example, a GatorBox). I've
- been using a dialup MacPPP connection without any trouble.
- 4. An NNTP server. This will be a computer running the
- 'network news transfer protocol'.
- 5. An SMTP server. TheNews lets you respond to articles via
- the 'simple mail transfer protocol'. The SMTP server needn't
- be running on the same machine as the NNTP server.
- But wait, why can't the TheNews connect to a news server over
- a dialup link? And what about UUCP support? Well, since you
- asked...
- If you've set up your Mac as a UUCP site, you can use TheNews
- as a news reader if you have the following:
- 1. UUPC 3.x. This program connects your Mac to the outside
- world via a modem. It handles the transfer of mail, news
- feeds, and plain old file between your Mac and any remote
- computer willing to talk to you.
- 2. ToadNews. This program converts a "news feed" from a single
- file into a standard news spool folder/file hierarchy.
- If you don't want to set up your Mac as a UUCP site, and you
- don't have an Ethernet line running into your home, TheNews
- can also run over a standard phone line. You'll need the
- following:
- 1. The Communications ToolBox (CTB). This Apple software is built
- into System 7. It is also available as an add-on for System 6 (but
- I have not tested TheNews under System 6 with CTB -- this may be
- a good excuse for you to upgrade to System 7!)
- 2. Apple Modem Tool. This Apple software handles the interface
- between the CTB and your modem. It translates the high-level
- CTB requests (eg, "call my server") into appropriate modem commands
- (eg, "ATDT5551212").
- 3. An account on a remote computer. TheNews pretends that it is
- you, only faster -- it calls up the remote computer, sends your
- user ID and password, and then executes a program called Telnet
- to connect to the news and mail servers. The remote computer, then,
- must know how to run Telnet, and it must also have access to an
- NNTP news server and (optionally) an SMTP mail server. (The news
- and mail servers needn't be running on the computer where you have
- an account, but they must be accessible via the internet).
- One of the files included in this distribution is a user's
- manual (cleverly titled 'TheNews User's Manual'). This
- manual was written using Word 5.0; I apologize if you do not
- have this program (be grateful I didn't use Word 6.0:-(
- However, because I'm such a thoughtful kind of guy, I've
- excerpted the 'Quick Start' section a bit later in this note.
- (The excerpt only covers setup for MacTCP operations --
- if you want to configure for UUCP or CTB operations,
- you'll need to read the manual.)
- So, after you try out TheNews and find that you want to keep
- it, what do you do next? Well, obviously, you pay me for
- it! Base sticker price is $25, with hefty discounts available
- for site licenses (see below).
- Send your checks, praises, comments, and questions to:
- Bill Cramer
- 504 Winterwood Drive
- Grapevine, TX 76051
- You can probably reach me via email at
- cramer@onramp.net <-- new address!
- but I can't make any promises on how fast I'll return your message.
- ____________________
- Multiple Copy Purchase Price
- TheNews costs $25 per unit. For multiple-unit purchases
- by educational groups, the following schedule applies:
- First 20: $15/unit
- Next 20: $10/unit
- Next 20: $5/unit
- additional: no charge
- For commercial organizations, the following schedule applies:
- First 20: $20/unit
- Next 20: $15/unit
- Next 20: $10/unit
- Next 20: $5/unit
- additional: no charge
- Purchase of more than 60 units (80 for commercial purchasers)
- constitutes a "site license". The definition of a "site", for
- purposes of such license, is any computer within 50 miles (80
- kilometers) of the purchasing facility. For educational
- purchasers whose facilities involve multiple sites, the
- following schedule applies:
- First site: $600
- Next site: $400
- Next site: $200
- additional: no charge
- For commercial purchasers whose facilities involve multiple
- sites, the following schedule applies:
- First site: $1000
- Next site: $800
- Next site: $600
- Next site: $400
- Next site: $200
- additional: no charge
- __________________________________
- A Note to Users of Previous Versions
- If you're a previous user of TheNews, you may want to check
- out the 'Changes' file included in this distribution.
- __________________________________
- Quick Start
- Simply copy the application onto your hard disk (or onto another
- diskette if you don't have a hard disk). If you haven't already
- installed MacTCP, you'll need to do so before you can run TheNews.
- If you're new to the world of net news, please take a few minutes
- and read the next chapter (it won't take long -- TheNews is a simple
- program). If you're familiar with news reader programs running on
- other computers, you probably want to get started right away. (In
- fact, you've probably started up the program already!) However,
- have a little bit of patience and walk through the following
- steps -- it won't take but a few minutes and you'll be on your way.
- Start TheNews by double clicking on its icon; TheNews will present
- you with its menu bar. Under the entry "File" you'll find an item
- called "Preferences." When you select this item, TheNews will
- present you with a dialog made up of some checkboxes and text
- fields (it's detailed in the user's manual).
- For the time being, leave the checkboxes unchecked and the first
- three blanks empty (being the experienced news reader you are, you
- can probably guess their functions). Move down to the "NNTP
- Server:" box and type in the network address of your local news
- server. This address will be composed four sets of digits
- separated by periods, for example, "", or else a domain
- name, for example, "onramp.net". The address is significant
- only to the IP-layer network software; check with your system
- administrator for your server's address. Now click on the "Save"
- button--you're ready to open a session to the news server!
- Now return to the menu bar and select "New" under the "File" entry.
- You should see a message telling you that TheNews is trying to
- connect to the news server, and then you should see a message
- advising you that TheNews is getting a list of all news groups
- available on the server. (Note: If TheNews reports an error in
- connecting to the server, verify that the server address is
- correct. If the address is correct, go have a chat with your
- System Administrator to verify that the indicated machine is indeed
- running NNTP.)
- If all went well, TheNews now displays a window titled "New Groups
- File". You'll note that the window is empty; before you can read
- articles from a news group you'll need to "subscribe" to that
- group. To do so, select "Edit Group List" under the "Groups" menu.
- This will bring up a dialog showing you a scrollable list of all of
- the news groups available on the server. To subscribe to a
- particular group, select the group name and click on the
- "Subscribe" button, and then click on the "Done" button. (For the
- time being, just pick one or two groups; later, you can go back and
- select more groups. You'll also want to save your customized
- groups list to a file--select "Save As" from the "File" menu)
- When you return to the group list window, you'll see the group(s)
- you have selected and the number of articles which you haven't yet
- read and the number of articles available on the server.
- To see what's available in a group, use the arrow keys to move the
- highlight bar to the group name, and press <return>. TheNews will
- then ask the server for a list of the articles; since this is the
- first time you've read from the group, this may take awhile-be
- patient! When it has completed, TheNews will display a list of the
- article headers--on each line you'll see a "√" (which indicates
- that you haven't yet read the article), some or all of the
- article's subject, some or all of the sender's name, and the date
- that the article was posted (if the window is big enough, you'll
- see all of the information in each category).
- To read an article, use the arrow keys to move the highlight bar to
- the desired article and press <return>. TheNews will fetch the
- body of the article and pop up a new window displaying the header
- and body.
- That's all there is to reading net news. Well, no, not really.
- TheNews has a number of additional features to help you manipulate
- existing news articles and post new ones. Have a look at the
- manual to get details on posting new and followup articles, mailing
- responses to the posters of articles, saving and printing articles,
- and setting up multiple group subscription documents. Enjoy!